Any activity which is of concern to any citizen may be reported to O.P.S. The investigating officer will explain the investigative procedure to the complainant.
Can I make an anonymous complaint?
Complaints may be anonymous. However, it is often necessary to contact a complainant to obtain further information about an incident. Each case will be investigated as fully as possible with the information provided.
Who may I contact to make a complaint?
Any officer of this agency is authorized to receive and document a complaint, or that officer may refer the complaint to the highest ranking officer presently on duty. All complaints are forwarded to the proper authority for investigation.
Will the deputy know the name of the complainant?
The Constitution of the United States authorizes a person accused of a crime to confront witnesses against him or her. In many cases, investigations are completed without revealing the original complainant.
Are O.P.S. investigations public record?
Ten days after the completion of an O.P.S investigation, the file becomes subject to an Open Records Request.
Will I know the outcome of the investigation?
Complainants are notified of the results of the investigation by the investigating officer or the O.P.S. supervisor.