why work for us?
24/7 Gym access
Meals for on-duty staff
Uniforms and equipment
Personal holidays
Days of sick leave
Paid holidays
Healthy, Dental, & Vision
Suplemental Insurance
Life Insurance
Advanced Training
Paid Military Leave
Retirement Benefits
Flexible Spending Account
*some additional requirements
All persons interested in applying for a position with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office complete an “online” Douglas County Employment Form. To access the online application, go to the county website. Online applications are automatically submitted to the Sheriff’s Office – paper applications are not accepted.
Completed Sheriff’s Office Employment packets should be returned to the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office via the email included in the packet or by dropping off in person to our office at 8470 Earl D. Lee Blvd in Douglasville.
Once your application packet has been received, members of the Sheriff’s Office Personnel Office will review your application. Acceptable candidates are identified and contacted to arrange a preliminary interview. (Please make sure that your contact information is included and correct. If we are unable to contact you, your application will be eliminated).
Your initial interview will be informal and typically lasts thirty to forty-five minutes. A member of the Personnel Office will go over the application packet with you to ensure that all pages are signed where appropriate, all necessary documents are provided, all pages that require notarizing are notarized, etc. Additionally, if the position requires typing, a typing test may be given. Successful completion of this interview will result in the application being forwarded to the Command Staff for review.
All applicants should bring the following items to the preliminary interview:
• Birth Certificate
• High School Diploma or GED Certificate
• College Diploma (if applicable)
• Driver’s License
• Social Security Card
• DD214 Long Form (if applicable)
Certified Peace Officers should also bring the following:
• Certification
• Training Certificates
Your second interview will be a formal interview with a member of the Command Staff. This interview is approximately an hour long and is conducted by a Sheriff’s Office member at the rank of Captain or above. This purpose of this interview is to further evaluate the candidate’s suitability for the position. Many subjects may be discussed; prior employment, reasons for leaving, aspirations of the candidate, any questions from the application packet responses, etc. Candidates that successfully complete this phase of the application process and receive the approval of the Command Staff will be scheduled for a polygraph or computerized voice stress analysis (CVSA) test.
Based on the Deputy Sheriff Recruit position, you will be required to complete this test in 2 minutes, six seconds or less. (Peace Officer Standards Training required)
Applicants will submit to a polygraph or CVSA test, which is used to determine the candidate’s veracity on their application. In addition, other subjects may be broached that are considered of importance, based on the position you are being considered for. At the conclusion of the test, the candidate will receive either a “Pass” or “Fail”.
Candidate that receive a “Pass” and are otherwise deemed an acceptable candidate will advance to the Background phase. During this phase, all background information is verified, prior employers are contacted, references are contacted, credit histories may be checked, home visits may be made, neighbors talked to, school/college records verified, etc.
Conditional Offer – Applicants that successfully completed the Background and all prior evaluations will be given a conditional offer of employment. Essentially, this step indicates that if the candidate successfully passes both a psychological and physical exam, they may be hired.
The psychological exam is very comprehensive and applicants should anticipate that this exam will take all day. This exam is conducted by a mental health professional and not by a member of the Sheriff’s Office staff. Following your exam, the results will be forwarded to the Sheriff’s Office for review. Candidates that successfully complete the psychological exam with favorable results are then sent for a medical exam.
The medical exam is conducted at the Sheriff’s Office by a contracted medical provider. Tests include a drug screen, vision test, etc.
Based on the Certified Deputy Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff Recruit position you are applying for, you may be required to qualify with our duty weapon. (Peace Officer Standards Training required)
Congratulations! If you’ve made it to this step, and successfully completed all of the previous steps, you will receive an offer of employment. You will meet with a member of the Personnel Office to discuss salary information, receive a badge number and orientation will be scheduled. You will also meet with a member of Supply to obtain your uniforms.
Newly hired candidates are required to attend an orientation at the Douglas County Courthouse. At this orientation, you will complete some final tasks, and we will provide you with information, such as specifics on your insurance plan.
Once you’ve completed the orientation at the Courthouse, you will return to the Sheriff’s Office and meet with a member of the Command Staff. We will provide you with a copy of the Policy and Procedures Manual and you may meet briefly with Training. You will then be sent to meet with a member from the department in which you will work. Work schedules may be discussed, expectations set, and work begins.